

来源 : 浏览量: 时间:2020-03-16






Innovative Integrated Stepping Closed Loop High-speed Lead Screw Color-changing Technology

★    系统结构紧凑,实现闭环驱动器、步进电机、编码器、闭环控制的整合,便于现场安装、调试及维护等优点。

The system structure is compact for its perfect integrating closed loop drive, stepping motor, encoder and closed loop control and convenient for installation, adjustment and maintenance.

★    换色速度快, 1 到15 针换色速度小于2S,单针位换色速度小于0.2S。

 The color-changing speed is fast, with the changing speed from the 1st needle to 9th needle less than 1.5S and the changing speed for each needle less than 0.2S.

★    换色精度高,步进电机驱动丝杠的位置控制精度可达0.1 丝。

The color-changing precision is high, with the position control precision of 0.1si.

★    支持分针位偏差补偿功能,用于修正机头针杆架和换色丝杠不可避免的存在机械偏差,可以大大减少断线率。

Support needle position deviation compensation function, for the purpose of adjusting the mechanical deviation of the head needle rod and the color-changing lead screw.

★    针位置显示功能,使用带针位置显示的新式直线式霍尔元件控制板检测(可支持9 针、12 针、15 针)。

Needle position display function adopts the new linear Hall element control board to detect the needle position(support 9, 12, 15 needles).

★    步进闭环高速丝杠换色效率优势在帽绣机12 针和15 针换色体现的更加淋漓尽致。

Its color-changing efficiency advantage will be fully displayed on cap embroidery machine with 12 and 15 needles.



Innovative Stepping Closed Loop Trimming System

★    步进电机剪线方式是通过步进电机直接驱动剪刀连杆,在剪线时配合主轴的角度完成剪线动作。通过控制步进电机的驱动运动曲线代替剪线凸轮的运动曲线即电子凸轮的效果。相比传统电磁铁剪线方式有剪线效率高,噪声低;机械结构大大简化,维修调试更加方便;剪线效果不受主轴转速影响等诸多优点。

Stepping motor thread trimming method is to use stepping motor to drive the cutter rod directly and then finish the trimming action by coordinating with the angle of the main shaft. The control of the drive motion curve of the stepping motor has replaced that of the motion curve of trimming cam or electronic cam. Compared with traditional trimming mode with solenoid, the efficiency is higher and the noise is lower; the mechanical structure becomes simpler and the maintenance and adjustment becomes more convenient; and the trimming effect will

not be influenced by the main shaft rotation speed.

★    一体式步进闭环剪线系统实现闭环驱动器、步进电机、编码器、闭环控制的整合,便于现场安装、调试及维护等优点。



Integrated stepping closed loop trimming system perfectly integrates closed loop drive, stepping motor, encoder and closed loop control, convenient for installation, debugging and maintenance. It adopts closed loop vector control algorithm, and therefore has better performance and better load adaptive ability compared with stepping open loop trimming. It also has good trimming effect like consistent thread residue length and low thread dropping rate. The custom-made closed loop stepping motor is of quick response speed, smooth action, precise

positioning and little heat.



Integrated Stepping Closed Loop Hooking System

★    步进闭环集中勾线方式相比交流电机集中勾线方式可控性更强,剪线长度可控、稳定,可以适应不同材质绣线的剪线控制。

Stepping closed loop centralized hooking method is of stronger control than AC motor centralized hooking method.

The trimming length is controllable and stable, and can be applied to trimming of different types of embroiderythreads.

★    一体式步进闭环剪线系统实现闭环驱动器、步进电机、编码器、闭环控制的整合,便于现场安装、调试及维护等优点。

Integrated stepping closed loop trimming system perfectly integrates closed loop drive, stepping motor, encoder and closed loop control, convenient for installation, debugging and maintenance.


